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How to get a can of beer in Gilgit-Baltistan. Spice your summer trip to the next level.

Alcohol is prohibited by law in Pakistan only for muslims. For non-muslims it is free to carry and consume alcohol. However if you want grab some cans of beer in Gilgit-Baltistan during summer there are ways to do so.

Since June 2022 the Gilgit-Baltistan essembly has passed a law to legally have alcohol in Gilgit-Baltistan. This law is not enforced yet, but you may be able to find some smuggled liquor from Afghanistan or China. 

Big hotels usually serve alcohol to none- Muslims. Non-Muslims are allowed to import alcohol for their own use, but it must be declared at customs and may be confiscated if not in original packaging. Muslims. If you are a Muslim and want to drink alcohol, you will have to resort to finding it in the local market or ask your hosts for help.  You can also find alcohol available at most international hotels in Pakistan but, again, only for non-Muslims.

Public transport or cargo is also viable option , but you will have to be careful as it is illegal and can lead to issues with authorities, who may stop and search your bags.  If you are caught with alcohol in Pakistan, you may have to pay a fine or even go to jail. But usually, it is impossible for authorities to search public transport.

However, if you are in your personal vehicle, it is highly likely that it will be searched. Therefore, load your belongings onto a bus and depart towards Gilgit-Baltistan via air or by driving.

Alcohol in Skardu GIlgit Baltistan