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Fun activities in Skardu during summer

Looking for some fun activities to do in Skardu, Pakistan during the summer months? Look no further! Skardu is a beautiful and scenic town located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, and it offers a variety of exciting activities for visitors to enjoy during the summer season.


One popular activity in Skardu during the summer is hiking. The area is home to a number of picturesque trails, including the Kachura Lakes Trail and the Deosai Plains Trail, both of which offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Hot Water Bath:

There are natural hot water pools in Tisar shigar around 100km drive from Skardu. Hot water of these pools have healing properties.


Another fun activity in Skardu during the summer is white water rafting. The Indus River, which flows through Skardu, offers excellent opportunities for white water rafting, with a variety of different routes suitable for different levels of ability.

If you prefer a more relaxed activity, you can also enjoy the natural beauty of Skardu by taking a leisurely stroll through the town or visiting the nearby Shigar Fort, a beautiful historical site that offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.

No matter what activity you choose, Skardu is a great destination for fun and adventure during the summer months. So pack your bags and head to this beautiful town for a summer vacation you'll never forget!