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Gilgit-Baltistan and Tourism in Pakistan.

Gilgit-Baltistan is the most popular destination for tourists in Pakistan. It has a range of natural scenic beauty, cultural heritage and historical importance, which are very attractive to visitors from all over the world.

Treking in Gilgit-Baltistan is best done during summer. The temperature is usually between 12°C and 22°C, but it can go up to 35°C. The best time for trekking here is May through September. The best season for mountaineering is between May and October, when there are no snowfalls and avalanches are not common. Hiking is also possible in this region during the summer months.

Mountaineering in Gilgit-Baltistan requires special training before embarking on any climb. You should also have good physical condition in order to tackle any difficult terrain or weather condition encountered on your journey.

Siteseeing in Gilgit-Baltistan will give you a glimpse into its history and culture, as well as an opportunity to see some beautiful natural landscapes with plenty of wild animals roaming freely around them! 

The Gilgit Baltistan region is rich in tourism opportunities. It's home to some of the world's highest mountain peaks, glaciers, and diverse scenery. Adventurers, explorers, trekkers, etc., are fascinated by the various opportunities available in Gilgit Baltistan. Some of the most incredible sights to explore include K2 (8611 meters or 28251 feet above sea level), Broad Peak (8060 meters or 26427 feet above sea level), Gashabrum-1 (8068 meters or 26405 feet above sea level) and Gasmhabrum-2 (8036 meters or 26271 feet above sea level). These mountains are just a few of the 8000 meter high peaks that are found in Baltistan of GB. Aside from the incredible natural beauty, there's a complex ethno-linguistic diversity and an industrious culture worth exploring here as well.

If it would be put sincere efforts, strengthening the tourism and travel industry would stand to benefit the whole country. Tourism is a valuable aspect of Gilgit-Baltistan, but there are many challenges that are hindering its growth and development. Government has taken initiatives in this regard, yet they lack practical applications of those paper initiatives into real improvements.

The promotion of the tourism industry is dependent on a number of factors. One factor, in particular, is the maintenance of law and order to protect people's lives and property. In Gilgit-Baltistan, enforcement of the law helped foster peace within the territory and improved the medium in which tourists were able to travel, thus making it possible for tourism to develop.

Infrastructure is also crucial when it comes to tourism development. Better infrastructure creates more tourist possibilities and accessibility. Sadly, a quick look at our tourism sights reflects that there is much for the government to do in terms of building and equipping infrastructure, which will make proximity to tourists easier. Astore Valley, which encompasses many enticing lakes and valleys like Rama, Minimarg, and Deosi plans, has great tourism potential. But the poor road conditions are making it difficult for tourists to access the valley. The Minimarg valley, which borders Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district, was always overlooked when compared to Ghizar and Hunza Valleys.

Awareness of the importance of tourism is also essential because it can help unveil the veiled valleys and breathtaking landscapes that attract travelers. The GB Tourism Department must be included in any plan to get people to come to national parks, as it can play a key role. For example, seminars, campaigns, media talks and opinion of experts on the subject matter would all be beneficial.

The Great Britain tourism administration has yet to articulate a clear-cut policy of tourism management, considering both short and long term goals. In general, the haphazard administration is leading the future of tourism toward decline. The ministry of tourism must think about sponsoring individuals and groups to promote tourist spots and their publicity.

One thing that is great about Skardu's new road is that, while it was delayed, it will still be completed better than never. In a similar way, work on the Hunza and Ghizar-Astore valley roads has been ongoing. As long as these projects go well, the region will see many benefits: easier access for tourists, a higher safety rate for travelers and more confidence to travel the area.

Tourism has the potential to bring about change in Gilgit-Baltistan and ensure growth in its economy. Without a thriving tourism industry, this region is bound to stay impoverished and backwards. Tourism can have a positive effect on GB's image around the world, which will result in a stronger Pakistani economy.